Operational Planning, Implementation, and follow-up:
- Managing and updating the LLF social media channels (twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook and Instagram to be added) accounts ensuring a steady flow of materials. This also includes strategically engaging with other users and organizations (e.g., retweets, following, tagging, etc.) which ensures maximal reach of LLF messaging and visibility in the beneficiary countries and among the development community.
- Updating content on the LLF website to keep it current (as a Content management System user).
- Developing and executing monthly, and quarterly communication plans and activities (social media calendars, LLF website, press releases, etc.,).
- Developing communication plans, as and when needed, for other visibility opportunities e.g., donor visits to the field, IsDB Annual Meetings, and relevant global events with LLF presence.
- Routinely identify and develop a variety of content for
o Social media posts
o Press releases
o Newsletters
o Annual Reports
o Newspaper articles, op-eds, blogs
o Event briefing notes
o Other dissemination opportunities e.g., IsDB Annual Meetings and other events
- Communication linked strategic advice and counsel to the LLF Management Unit
Coordination & Follow-Up:
- Regular interaction with LLF Donor Communication Focal points to ensure their engagement, ownership, and satisfaction with the LLF communication activities.
- Developing and maintaining relationships with communication focal points at the LLF project Management Units (PMU) levels to ensure routine updates on communicable activities are received, as well as PMU support is sourced as and when needed for communication activities or materials.
- Routine engagement with the communication personnel from the LLF Results Based Management (RBM) contractor to ensure RBM products are integrated into routine LLF communication and visibility activities and planning.
- Support integration of LLF communication and visibility requirements in the appraisal and negotiations prior to Board of Executive Directors (BED) approval.
- Manage the clearances, no-objections, approvals linked with the communication materials development and launching with internal Bank teams (e.g., Marketing and Communication Department(MCD), Executive Office of the President(EOP), etc.) as per agreed processes.
- Developing access to media networks through the MCD, donor partners, and any other channels for launching and coverage of press releases, and newspaper articles.
Reporting & archiving:
- Reporting on communication activities occurrence, performance and impact, for the monthly operations reports as well as in meetings with Donors.
- Archiving, and record keeping of all LLF-Communication materials and related documentation. This also includes creating a repository of the LLF design visuals, themes, brand & campaign assets, etc.
Administrative Support:
- Managing procurement and activities of communication related LLF contractors e.g., graphic design consultants, RBM and results linked communications, website hosting service providers, local agents (e.g., photographers, videographers) during field visits, report writing and translating contractors, etc.